The Environmental Blog

Friday, June 03, 2005

Smoking - the Environmental Feud

Originally uploaded by sjakk.
Why does every non-smoker have to accept the smokers puffing their nicotine gas into the air which is shared by everyone in a room? Why don't smokers show any consideration for the non-smokers?

I do not want to take away the smoker's pleasure when having a cigarette. But I do not want to smoke myself. And, when a cigarette is lighted in the room where I am, I am smoking as well. And I DON'T WANT TO!

Quite often there is one smoker in a room filled with none smokers. And just as often the smoker lights his/hers cigarette without taking notice of the non-smokers in the room.

Smokers. Why do you have to push upon me something I don't want. Why can't you show some consideration for the ones who do not want to smoke?

Please give some answers...


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